The Environmental Ministry has partnered with The Water Project, a non-profit organization that provides water and sanitation systems in sub-Saharan Africa. Our goal this Lent is to raise $10,000 to fund a project to bring fresh spring water to a community in Kenya. The Water Project would see to the necessary construction, training, and guidance for the construction of this project planned for the Fall of 2025.
The 780 people of the Emakhwale Community, located in western Kenya, struggle to access sufficient water. Their current primary water source is an overcrowded, contaminated spring. The water is unsafe for people to consume making them ill from water-borne diseases. In addition, the spring is dangerous because it has broken, sharp concrete surrounding it, risking injury for those collecting water. Because of these dangers, many people in the community are starving because they are too ill to work, with any money earned being spent on medical treatment for the water-borne diseases. Thus, the community is stuck in a cycle of poverty.
Collecting water is a time-consuming process. Community members must walk 30 minutes to the spring, wait up to an hour to collect the water, and then walk 30 minutes to return home. This effort can be repeated up to 3 times per day.
Protecting the spring would allow the water to be naturally filtered and chlorinated. The Water Project would protect the spring by constructing a waterproof cement structure around the source area of the spring. This structure will direct the spring through a discharge pipe, which allows for easier and quicker water collection. Stairs will allow safer and easier access, while fencing will prevent access of the spring by animals. The spring will also be equipped with a chlorine dispenser to ensure the water is safe.. Water will typically flow throughout the year and the system requires limited ongoing maintenance. The Water Project would also train the community as needed to maintain the safety of the water.
Donations to fund this project can be made:
1. by using the “Water Bowls” throughout the Lenten Season;