DROP OFF DATES for items being donated for the fair (except as noted below, bring items to the back door of the Parish Center—entrance from the parking lot): Tuesday, October 22 – 10 am to 1 pm Monday, October 28 – 1 pm to 4 pm Wednesday, October 31 – 9 am to 4 pm (drop off at Monument Hall)
ACCEPTED ITEMS: Handmade crafts and holiday-themed items Jewelry – used, nice quality, costume jewelry Children -- slightly used toys, books, games, puzzles Gifts and Re-Gifts – new or like-new items only (no White Elephant items) Raffle Items – gift cards to local restaurants or stores ($50 value or higher) Silent Auction Items – speciality items (over $150) Food Items – baked goods (bread, rolls, cookies, bars); jams, jellies, preserves, dried herbs, fudge, candy, speciality or ethnic food items – perishables only after 10/31 Books – hardcover new or gently used—all genres, regular or coffee table books