We are excited to be preparing for another year of Faith Formation in the Concord-Carlisle Catholic Collaborative. Much of what we will be offering in the coming school year will remain similar to what it has been, though we are excited to announce the following improvements:
-The registration process has been made easier for you to sign up for Faith formation - the information and payment are all in one page. There are distinct registration forms for Holy Family and St. Irene parishioners, though you may register to attend Faith Formation at either location.
-We will be offering more Family Masses throughout the year, by request, as those have been well received by children and families alike! We encourage children of all grades ( K-12 ) to participate in these Masses.
-We are using new resources for Middle School children that we trust will be more engaging for young teens.
-With the Archdiocesan announcement of adjusting the Confirmation age, and our period of transition for those receiving the sacrament of Confirmation, “Teen Faith Formation” on Sundays will now include Eighth graders as well as High School teens. More information about the Confirmation age adjustment is available on our website.
-The offering times for Teen Faith Formation (Grades 8-12) have been adjusted in response to requests by those participating, and the Teen Faith Formation schedule has been aligned with the younger grades in order to enable families to attend Family Masses together and not have overlapping schedules at different locations.
-We are collecting additional “sacramental fees” up-front from all teens enrolled in Teen Faith Formation, which will either be put toward the Confirmation Retreat (for those receiving Confirmation in the spring) OR the Confirmation Rehearsal Dinner (which is sponsored by the teens and families one year away from receiving Confirmation).
We have attached our calendars to this email for your reference. You will notice we are starting a little earlier and ending a little later in the year than we have done in the past. This was done so that we could add more Family Masses without taking away more class time.
We could use your help. We are in need of Catechists for all grades. There are also openings for Hall Monitors, Substitutes and more! Please contact us to find out how you can help share your faith with the youth of our Collaborative.
We look forward to journeying with your family in our mission to share faith in our community,
Kelly McPherson (Grades K-7)
Temporary Administrator of Faith Formation (through May 2025)
Tony Carbrello (Grades 8- 12)
Coordinator of Youth Ministry