Julissica has served in her role as the Parish Administrator at Holy Family Parish since February 2014. She has been involved with Holy Family since 2011, with the parish vocal and handbell choirs, previously served as a Catechist for Grades 6, 7 & 8 th, in the Adult Leader Team with Youth and Family Ministry serving as an adult leader at parish Confirmation Retreats. Currently, Julissica is involved and helps as a liaison with Lazarus House, helping in the pantry and the Good Sheperd House. When called upon, you will see her as a Eucharistic Minister or in various roles serving the church. Outside the parish, she previously served as the Chair of the Concord Public Ceremonies and Celebrations Committee, the President of the Friends of Belmont Wrestling Board and enjoys the occasional trivia night or kayaking. Please feel free to contact Julissica, any time by email or phone.