Youth Ministry offers a monthly opportunity for missions (service, works of mercy), partnering with a variety of organizations to offer a variety of experiences for our teens.
Days and times of the opportunities vary.
For more information or to sign up for a spot on an upcoming mission opportunity, please use the button below.
Youth Ministry Mission Opportunities 2023-2024
It is our hope to offer a meaningful experience for our teens and adult leaders during the summer months.
In all aspects of Youth Ministry we want teens to grow and deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ and the Church. Our goal is to offer a ministry sustained by Adult Leaders and Coordinator of Youth Ministry (Tony Carbrello). There are many options of what we may do and how we may do it!
Our High School Youth Ministry includes:
- all High School Faith Formation, including Confirmation preparation, and prayer experiences embedded into that schedule (such as Stations of the Cross)
- Peer Ministry (leadership and advisory group)
- Events (such as Turkey Truck, Christmas Tree Lighting, Christmas Tree Pick up, Stations of the Cross for the collaborative)
- Supporting Collaborative Events such as: Family Christmas party, Easter Egg Hunt
-Summer Opportunities (such as Steubenville East, Catholic Heart WorkCamp)
Areas for further growth for High School Youth Ministry:
- Sustainable regularly scheduled opportunities of Works of Mercy / Mission
- Increased involvement of teens in liturgical ministries
- Opportunities for teens to experience church social events
Our hopes for Middle School Youth Ministry:
When we are able to develop to this point of growth, Middle School Youth Ministry will supplement the regular pre-teen faith formation ministry, by providing opportunities for events that are: Social, Community-building, and include Works of Mercy (service), and more!